The Search-Brainwave Dataset
We present the Search-Brainwave Dataset to support researches in the analysis of human neurological states during search process and BMI(Brain Machine Interface)-enhanced search system. The electroencephalogram (EEG) of 18 participants is recorded as each doing pre-defined search tasks in a period of 60 minutes. During the user study, participants are required to examine several search results with pre-defined task description. After that, they are required to evaluate the task-level search difficulty and satisfaction, then annotate the usefulness of each search result.
Information Retrieval (IR) is a complex cognitive process that involves many brain activities. There is an increasing number of interdisciplinary research literature focusing on the intersection of neuroscience and IR, which can reveal the mental state directly and leverage brain signals as user feedback for evaluation and performance improvement.
Usefulness is a key concept in the user-centric evaluation of Web search. In contrast to relevance, which is often annotated by external assessors, usefulness represents users’ opinions about whether search results can meet their information needs. To understand the procedure of usefulness judgment in search process, we carry out a user study and collect brain signals during search results examination. Specially, our user study fill up the implicit feedback during the usefulness judgment for non-click results since other implicit feedback (click, dwell time) can’t be collected in this situation.
Dataset Collection
The dataset is collected from a well-designed user study. The above figure illustrates the procedure of each search task in the main step.
At first, participants view a task description randomly selected from the dataset. Then a randomly selected search result screenshot is displayed, lasting for 2.5 seconds. After that, three response choices, i.e., “skip”, “click”, and “end search”, are presented on the screen while the search result is still shown. If participants choose “click”, the landing page of the corresponding result will be presented. After examining the lading page, the participant can either end the search or continue to examine the next result in this step. If the participant decides to end the search they are presented with an end-mark page to report their perceived task difficulty (five-point Likert scale) and usefulness feedback (four-point Likert scale) to each result.
As for apparatus, our study uses a Scan NuAmps Express system (Compumedics Ltd., VIC, Australia) and a 64-channel Quik-Cap (Compumedical NeuroScan) are deployed to capture the participants’ EEG data. The computations and data pre-processing are performed using the Curry V8.3 (Neuroscan, TX), a widely used commercial source localization software package.
在仪器方面,我们的研究使用Scan NuAmps Express系统(Compumedics Ltd., VIC, Australia)和64通道quick-cap (Compumedical NeuroScan)来捕获参与者的脑电图数据。计算和数据预处理使用广泛使用的商业源定位软件包Curry V8.3 (Neuroscan, TX)。
Dataset Organization
The dataset contains EEG signals for each participant responses to each search result, the annotations of result usefulness, task difficulty, task satisfaction, the experimental data of 150 search tasks, and the pre-processed features including content/context features of each search result (similarity rank of the query-result pair (using a BERT encoder), BM25 rank of the query-result pair, result type, average/max similarity rank with previous search results, average/max/total usefulness ratings with previous search results, number of previous search results). More details are provided upon request.
How to get Search-Brainwave
To gain access to the Search-Brainwave dataset, you need to contact with us ( After signing an application forum online, we can send you the data. If there is any problem with our dataset, please feel free to contact us.
[1] Ziyi Ye, Xiaohui Xie, Yiqun Liu, Zhihong Wang, Xuancheng Li, Jiaji Li, Xuesong Chen, Min Zhang, and Shaoping Ma. 2021. Why Don’t You Click: Neural Correlates of Non-Click Behaviors in Web Search. arXiv:arXiv:2109.10560
[2] Ziyi Ye, Xiaohui Xie, Yiqun Liu, Zhihong Wang, Xuesong Chen, Min Zhang, and Shaoping Ma. 2021. Understanding Human Reading Comprehension with brain signals. arXiv:arXiv:2108.01360